When it comes to backlink building too many marketers tend to just go out and use some type of SEO service without having any real plan in mind. While you may get a few good backlinks you are really just wasting your money. Before using any type of backlink building service you want to know and understand what type of backlink you want built.
There are several factors to take into account when creating backlinks. First these links need to be relevant to your site. Just because you can get a PR4 link to a gardening site you shouldn't proceed if your site is not in this niche. When Google views this link they do not attach any relevance to it, in fact it can do your site more harm than good.
Some of the best and easiest places to get a good quality backlink is by listing your site and business on Google Places and Google+ Local. Then from here you want to plan out what sites and who can offer you the best backlinks.
This is where relevance comes into play. Spend some time researching the key players in your field. Dig out their blogs and social media profiles and see what the best ways to connect with them would be.
You don't want to rush into backlinking instead approach it with a good plan of action in mind. For example don't just start sending out guest posting requests to all the top blogs in your field or niche. Instead start reading these blogs on a regular basis and begin by leaving helpful comments. This will get your name seen by the blog owner.
Then after a period of time you can suggest a relevant blog post topic. Of course you would make your post unique to this person, don't use the same post for anyone else! When you do initiate contact the blog owner is more likely to recognize your name and approve your request.
As you can imagine this process does take more time than just going out and using a backlinking service of any kind. The end result will be a much higher quality backlink that can really help boost your own page rank. An additional bonus is that you could receive a ton more traffic back to your site too.
It really is worth your time and effort to think about the entire backlink creation process. Take the time to research which keywords you want to rank for, look for the top players in your field and visit their blogs. Plus remember to create a variety of links from different sources. This can be links from articles, YouTube videos, guest posts and from social media sites.
This will put your site ranking in a much better position than simply generating hundreds of non-worthy backlinks in a short period of time.